Professionally Trained Tutors
Principia Prep. strives to provide up to date informed Tutors. We hire the best and train them for months prior to ever engaging with a student. They are often Ivy League graduates whom have excelled academically and achieved a superior knowledge and understanding of standardized tests. Our Tutors are more than academically gifted. They are down to earth relatable educators with uncanny abilities to interact and engage with students.
Customized Lesson Plans
Every student is different. This is why Principia Prep. Students receive individually tailored programs and course lessons to maximize their potential. Prep. Tutors are personable and make sure to make all learning plans specific to the student. Our plan is to allow students to feel comfortable and build the confidence necessary to achieve superior results. All Principia Prep training and educational materials are time tested and reevaluated constantly to ensure the best possible results.
Test Selection
Regardless if you are a fan of the SAT or the ACT in many cases these tests are the gate keepers to College. Principia Prep. has tutors ready to assist with the test choice (SAT or ACT). The staff at Principia has tutors who are experts in SAT, SAT II, and ACT. The tutors are specifically trained to know their discipline backwards and forwards. Our goal is to help students through tested mythologies and specific lesson plans to maximize their scores and college section.
Subject Preparation
Principia Prep. is more than a SAT or ACT Tutoring resource. Our organization has tutors to help with all subjects your student needs help with from 8th grade English to Advanced Calculus. Principia Prep has helped countless students through all the major subjects. It’s all about relating the material so your student understands the concept and feels comfortable. Our programs allow students to learn and build confidence in their abilities to help them achieve their very best.